Archive for the ania Category

Ania- Ma’king Love 7”

Posted in 1980s, 1984, ania, minimal, minimal synth, swedish, synthpop on November 26, 2012 by Frankie Teardrop

Been a long time since we’ve had something on the minimal synth side of the spectrum, so after another excellent Thanksgiving break I offer up this little Swedish nugget from 1984.  A simple two track 7” of very murky origin, on a label with no other releases credited via discogs, a slice of synth perfection with female vocals that is guaranteed to get your goose, or rather, turkey leftovers cooking… The A-side is best enjoyed by those who like sleazy, funky disco in the vein of Nancy Nova.  The B-side is the real treat here, a must for minimal die-hards and worth the price of admission alone, if you’ve got the chowder to purchase your own copy.  After downloading, mister Vanilla Face of Crispy Nuggets drew accurate comparisons to Rive Gauche & Carol releases.  A perfect comparison, if I do say so myself!

Ania- Ma’king Love 7”
1. Ma’king Love
2. …On the Telephone

*download it here*


Taking a quick glance at the queue, we’ll be getting back to rare tapes over the next few weeks, with an exception here or there.  A few hints about some upcoming posts: LC, PM, OD, SI, & LD.  Stay tuned for more over the next few weeks!