I think the internet police have spoken and it’s time to call it a day here at Systems of Romance. I’ve been pretty zen about the whole thing thus far, as it’s been five years and over 500 posts- certainly nothing to balk at. However, I do have a few more posts I’d like to share with you all before wrapping up here. Please pardon the sudden change in file sharing sites. Hopefully these links last long enough for everyone to enjoy them!
Here we have two incredibly rare 7”s for the price of one (hah). Both of these records have been in my wantlist for ages, and it’s taken me some time to track them both down properly. Patience has never been my strongest suit, but it certainly paid off here, as both of these 7”s were worth the thrill of the hunt and have quickly become two of my most cherished records in my entire collection.
Some of you may recall the Jus Dorange a-side from an early VA compilation. Many thanks to Sean McBride, AKA Martial Canterel, for cluing me into that track a few years ago via Youtube, as it’s haunted my dreams ever since. As expected, the flip is just as stellar, sitting nicely alongside Lè Travo, The Names, Aimless Device, & Siglo XX at the top of the Belgian coldwave crop. Two perfectly vicious tracks that demand repeat listening. It’s worthwhile to note that Dries Decocker was also active in The Misz, who released several cassette tapes and have been compiled on the excellent Underground Belgian Wave Vol. 2 compilation on Walhalla Records.
The second single is a more recent, but no less rare obsession. Red Rain Coat were from Switzerland, and while they were more well known for their early 90s foray into more guitar-pop turf, their first 7” is another cold masterpiece of its era. Their story parallels Eskimos & Egypt, whose debut 7”, while having little in common with their other releases, is a bona-fide classic.

Jus Dorange- At Night 7” (1983)
1. At Night
2. Watching
*download it here* (RE-RIPPED 6.5.13)

Red Rain Coat- In Between the Fronts 7” (1987)
1. Small Town
2. Distinguished Ball
*download it here* (RE-RIPPED 6.5.13)
I have at least two more posts in the works, so please do check back over the next week or two for the grand finale!